Monday, October 24, 2011

CAPED Summary

Last week, I was in Riverside for CAPED.  As explained before, I am part of the CHIIP Youth Advisory committee.  I was able to attend this conference and learn so much about resources, law, and activities in regards to disability/education.

I met with Martha Kantar.  Kantar spoke candidly about jobs within the federal government.  She said that there are open positions and that I should apply.  I let her know that I will be participating in the Workforce Recruitment Program.  This program allows for people with disabilities have an easier way to get into the federal government.  She applauded me for my work with youth.

Next, I heard Jonathan Mooney speak.  What a dynamic speaker!  He connected with me because of his energy.  One of things he said was: invest in people.
I believe in this to be true.

There were a lot of great workshops such as learning about implemanting a disability advocates program on your campus.  Then there was a workshop about thriving with autism lead by Steven Kapp.

Overall, it was great to get away and concentrate on my own progress.  I had some alone time to reflect.  I made contacts, great dialogue with friends, and an overwhelming good time.

“Of course there is no formula for success except, perhaps, an unconditional acceptance of life and what it brings.” –Arthur Rubinstein    

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